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Table 3 Comparison of residual ATP detected by the direct sponge method versus level of residual protein and viable count in colonoscope instrument channels

From: Simulated-use validation of a sponge ATP method for determining the adequacy of manual cleaning of endoscope channels


Sponge sampleb (N = 3)

Flush samplec (N = 3)

Test parametera

RLUs (Std)

Protein μg/cm2 (Std)

E. faecalis Log10 cfu/cm2 (Std)

P. aeruginosa Log10 cfu/cm2 (Std)

Positive control

Soiled but no cleaning

9747.00 (436.48)

335.4 (65.55)

6.782 (0.212)

6.669 (0.192)

Partial clean

Soiled, 50 mL water flush and no brushing

6601.00 (1684.00)

3.99 (3.16)

5.254 (0.142)

4.476 (0.253)

Full cleaning

Soiled, cleaned pre-HLD

29.00 (36.39)

0.23 (0.07)

0.787 (0.364)

1.608 (0.269)

Negative control

Soiled, cleaned post-HLD and storage

14.00 (21.66)

0.04 (0.07)

0.025 any organism (0.090)

  1. aData for each test parameter represents the average and standard deviation (Std) of three replicate endoscope tests (N = 3)
  2. bATP was measured as relative light units (RLUs)
  3. cThe protein and viable counts were done on a parallel set of colonoscopes that were soiled in the same manner and were harvested using the flush method of sample collection